“My heartfelt appreciation to all the doctors and nurses who did everything that they could and saved my child, words can’t express my gratitude. Thank you very much! .”
— Abhinav Rastogi
Why Us?
- Routine antenatal scan
- Anomaly Scan
- Growth fetal well-being scan
- Fetal echocardiography
- 3D and 4D SCAN Shop
- Combined testing (biochemical + sonographic) and risk calculation
- Invasive diagnostic tests like chorionic villous sampling, Amniocentesis, Fetal blood sampling
- Non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT)
- Fetal therapy-intrauterine transfusion, arrhythmias, goiter
- Fetal reduction, Amnioinfusion, Amnioreduction
- Soncsalpingography
- Infertility Scan like Ovulation Study, uterine anomaly scan
- Gynaec scan like fibroid mapping, Ectopic, Ca ovary, Ca uterus
Our Medical Services

Fetal Ultrasound

Combined testing

Risk calculation

3D and 4D Scan

Infertility scan

Non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT)

Fetal therapy

Fetal Reduction


Gynaec scan