Welcome to Health Center

Shreeansh Fetal care center specializes in performing all tests and screening that are necessary for monitoring the conditions of a developing fetus. We provide wide-ranging services of fetal care including screening, monitoring, a treatment that consists of ultrasound and invasive procedures, genetic counseling, and fetal surgery.

Our center is equipped with quality gynaecological scans and infertility related scans. We have a team of well-qualified doctors available for your aid.


“My heartfelt appreciation to all the doctors and nurses who did everything that they could and saved my child, words can’t express my gratitude. Thank you very much! .”

— Abhinav Rastogi

Why Us?

  • Routine antenatal scan
  • NT scan (OSCAR CLINIC)
  • Anomaly Scan
  • Growth fetal well-being scan
  • Fetal echocardiography
  • 3D and 4D SCAN Shop
  • Combined testing (biochemical + sonographic) and risk calculation
  • Invasive diagnostic tests like chorionic villous sampling, Amniocentesis, Fetal blood sampling
  • Non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT)
  • Fetal therapy-intrauterine transfusion, arrhythmias, goiter
  • Fetal reduction, Amnioinfusion, Amnioreduction
  • Soncsalpingography
  • Infertility Scan like Ovulation Study, uterine anomaly scan
  • Gynaec scan like fibroid mapping, Ectopic, Ca ovary, Ca uterus

Our Medical Services

Fetal Ultrasound

Combined testing

Risk calculation

3D and 4D Scan

Infertility scan

Non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT)

Fetal therapy

Fetal Reduction


Gynaec scan

Fetal autopsy